Friday, November 2, 2012

Saving Those Seeds, Is How It Should Be.

Broccolii with seed saving bags over their seed heads.
At the end of the season, my broccolii and kale began going to seed and produced prolific numbers of pods.  Wanting to save them and having the right means to do it are two entirely different things.  I had no bags big enough to go over the big seed heads and had no idea where to source them.  So off to the op shop I went.  Came home with an old curtain and began the task of cutting it into big sqaures and sewing them into bags.  Then I put them over the seed heads and tied them to the stems below.  Means I get to save all the seed from falling to the ground, the bags are able to allow airflow to keep seeds from building up condensation and no birds can raid them either.  WOOHOO  all for a lowly $3.50  I made over a dozen bags.