Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Peek At The Corn Patch

Stage 1:  Prepare the bed, mark out the rows with sticks and plant seeds.
Set up the Vertical Worm Composting Pipe.
Place 6 Bricks on one side for a stepping stone.

Stage 2:  Maintain the bed with plenty of water daily.
Observe the plant growth and foliage for any diseases and pests.

Stage 3:  Keep the crop weed free to reduce competition for soil nutrients.

This Corn bed was established where an old chook shed used to be.  The area you see had around 8" of chook manure on it and when we went to turn it over, found a layer of bricks beneath it.  Once they were removed, the soil and manure were then turned and the garden worked into the mound.  The Vertical Worm Composter was then prepared (holes drilled around the base) and then placed in the centre of the bed. This composter functions very well as the worms stay in there during the day, feeding on kitchen scraps and then moving into the garden bed by night to fertilise and break down the soil.  During the early morning they then return to the composter to begin the cycle all over again.  The lower of the photos was taken around 5 weeks after the seeds were planted.