Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Who's crazy now?

"Snake" the cat in repose
Snake the cat has decided that my tray table by the window makes a good bed to sleep on.  So I don't argue, who wants to wake a sleeping ninja anyway?  So on the tray table he sleeps, with the window slightly open for him to get a bit of a cool breeze.  Then the other night the inevitible happened, there was Snake in repose, snoring for all the world to hear.  Big Stretch, rolls over and plonk, thump on the floor.  He sits up stunned, turns my way and gives me the biggest dose of "stinkeye" I have ever seen. So I laughed,  as you do. He immediately lumbered over and bit my foot and leg.......hard.  Now, with blood streaming down my ankle,  I give said Snake the cat still wearing the "stinkeye" look a good shove so I can go fix my leg and foot.  Nooooooo,  it's not over by a long shot.  As I get to the lougeroom door he lunges again and firmly affixes his claws and teeth around my shin and calf.. gaaahhhhh.  I swear one day I will turn this cat into a Davey Crockett hat.  grrrr mumble mumble curse.

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