Friday, September 23, 2011

Never a dull moment

My friends and family are always saying, "You will never have a dull moment in life".  Perhaps they are right.  Although the next two weeks are holiday time from the course I am doing, I still won't have an idle moment to contemplate the next phase in life.  Firstly, I am going to utilise that time to get the rest of the paddock area in order and prepare for the planting season.  It was with the greatest joy that I opened an email today from a french lad who is wanting to come and WWOOF at my humble abode.  The help will be greatly appreciated. Then on the 3rd to the 6th of October I am going to be running a stand at the Elmore Field Days on behalf of the WWOOF Australia organisation, with the help of a lovely lady (Leanne Seignior) who is also a WWOOFer.  I have all the promotional posters, bookmarks, flyers and books at the ready and have  laminated the two large posters I used for the Back2Basics which have photos of my past WWOOFers on them.  The stands are at this time being altered to suit the occassion and also to allow me to fit them in the Ricebubble car I drive.  (Small cars are not practical and I am missing my big old ute at this point in time.)  I still have just a few things I am working on to make the stall look its best, but feel it is all falling into place very well. So, to coin a phrase,  No rest for the wicked.   Bring it on.

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