This year just keeps giving, in many more ways than I had thought it could. We as a family have endured ups and downs that are challenging our stamina to the max. After my son's accident in February, I thought the spell of threes had been broken. Four big events in less than a month and we were seeing the other side. So we thought. There have been times filled with laughter, joy and good things that I am holding dear and using to get me through the tough days. Black humour abounds and at times shocks those around us, but it is our way. The permablitz group is still plugging away and hopefully making some difference in the lives of recipients. I still work at the school garden one day per fortnight, as well as on their special market days. Along with the shift per week at the icecream shop and the work on my own permaculture system, it has kept me very busy to say the least. Recently the ride of life took a turn to the left, so to speak. My son ( the toe less one) suffered a series of TIA (mini strokes) which are directly caused from his head hitting the light pole during the accident. Mini strokes though they are, it is a major concern for his future. Will they worsen, will they impede his ability to hold his job, drive a car etc etc and the list rolls on. I am working hard to keep perspective and be as positive as possible in his presence. He needs to be kept focused on recovery and rebuilding things he has lost as a result of his actions. I think that by sharing this with other bloggers, I am hoping our experiences will open the eyes of others. So they can perhaps change how they work, live, and what happens in their R&R time. Please know, it only takes one bad decision to bring havoc to you and your loved ones. As the end of the year approaches, I am hoping and praying that some of this heaviness, heartache and worry won't roll over to next year. So many plans ahead for me and so much I would like to achieve. Work began on the house yard a few months ago, as I planned to participate in the local open garden day. Ill health pulled me up a bit so now I plan to do that for next year. It will afford me more time to get the gardens looking good, the paddock and food zone running more productively. Sadly the ute I bought this year broke down and I am working on getting a new motor for it. I miss being able to go and do things, pick things up for myself. I am not good at asking for help, nor accepting it. A lesson in life I need to learn.
For now, please think about your life, think about what you can do to prevent anything that will bring you grief and cause heartache to you and yours. Live well and live long.
On a light note to finish. This picture shows my Jimmy statue, I finally set him up in the paddock as a feature. Living on old gold diggings I decided to turn him into a gold pan man.