My poor baby chickens have been looking rather out of sorts during the past few days. On closer inspection, I found little wart like lumps on their eyelids and beaks. With a lot patience and a lot more research, I now know they have Fowl Pox. This is transmitted by mozzies and open wounds. If they get through this and don't suffer any secondary infections, it will mean immunity for life. There are two strains of the Foul Pox, Dry and Wet. Sadly my babies have what I suspect is Wet. The lesions are also showing inside their tiny beaks, so constant vigilance is now important to get them through. The Wet Pox strain can cause problems drinking and eating. If this occurs I will have to then feed t
myself and give them fluids via a syringe. In the long run they will be worth it as they will be a much stronger bird. One Eye has no lesions showing and I feel it is possible she had this infliction herself as a chick. I actually got her when she was 3 months old, so can't track her history. Meanwhile I have returned the babies to the big bird cage in our house yard to provide special care. Thankgod for the internet and all the wonderful information we can derive from it.